Arabic grammatical Analysis
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التَّمْيِيْز وَالثَّامِنُ: نَحْوُ “ذَهَباً” مِنْ “يُبَاعُ الْكِتَابُ بِرِطْلٍ ذَهَباً“، وَيُسَمَّى “تَمْيِيْزاً” The eighth (category of الْمَنْصُوْب ) is like “ذَهَباً”...
Arabic the Direct Object
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Arabic declinable and indeclinable Nouns
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Arabic The Qualifying or Attributive Adjective
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Arabic Demonstrative pronouns
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الْعَطْف وَنَوْعٌ يُسَمَّى “عَطْفاً”، مِثْلُ: “الشَّرَفَ” وَ”الأَدَبِ” مِنْ “يَبْلُغُ الطَّالِبُ الْمَجْدَ وَالشَّرَفَ بِالْعِلْمِ وَالأَدَبِ“، وَمِثْلُ الْوَاوِ: الْفَاءُ، “ثُمَّ”، “أَوْ”، “أَمْ”،...
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Arabic the Subject (of the Nominal Sentence) and Predicate
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