Numbers in(أَعدادُ singular:ٌعَدَاد)
Arabic are fully declinable nouns
The noun being counted with a
number is called معدُودٌ
The rules for the عَدَدٌ and the
معدُودٌ change after every few
Faminine مؤنثٌّ | Masculineمُذكَّرٌ | |
وَاحِدَةٌ | وَاحِدٌ | ١ |
اِثْنَتَانِ | اِثْنَانِ | ٢ |
ثَلَاثةٌ | ثَلَاثٌ | ٣ |
أَرْبَعَةٌ | أَرْبَعٌ | ٤ |
خَمْسَةٌ | خَمْسَتٌ | ٥ |
سِتَّةُ | سِتٌّ | ٦ |
سَبْعةٌ | سَبْعٌ | ٧ |
ثَمَانِيَةٌ | ثَمَانِيْ | ٨ |
تِسْعَةٌ | تِسْعَ | ٩ |
عَشَرَةٌ | عَشْرٌ | ١٠ |