مَرْفُوْع (رَفْع الْفِعْلِ)
وَيُرْفَعُ إِذَا تَجَرَّدَ مِنْ جَمِيْعِ ذَلِكَ It (i.e. the الْفِعْل ) is مَرْفُوْع when it is stripped of that (i.e. the aforementioned النَّوَاصِب and الْجَوَازِم ). |
There is no difficulty in us knowing the places in which the الْفِعْل is مَرْفُوْع after knowing the places in which it is مَنْصُوْب and مَجْزُوْم .
Every فِعْل مُضَارِع that does not occur after one of the previous four words or after one of the sixteen words mentioned thereafter is necessarily مَرْفُوْع , like: [يُخَفِّفُ اللهُ عَنْكُمْ] (Allah has given you relief), “يُثْمِرُ بُسْتَانُنَا” (Our garden bears fruit), “يَلْزَمُ الإِنْسَانُ حَدَّهُ” (A man adheres or sticks to his limit), etc.
Up to this point we have completed our knowledge of the places in which the الْفِعْل is مَنْصُوْب , the places in which it is مَجْزُوْم and the places in which it is مَرْفُوْع , so we do not have to fear any error entering (into our speech) coming from that direction (at least). However, it is now on us to strive to know:
- the places in which the الاسْم is مَرْفُوْع ,
- the places in which it is مَنْصُوْب and
- the places in which it is مَجْرُوْر ,
in order that we might be free from error as regards the الْكَلِمَات الْمُعْرَبَة (declinable words).