Glossary of Arabic Grammar Terms
Hollow Verb (Middle is a weak letter) | فعل الأجوَف |
The Definite Article | أَدَةُ الَّتَّعرِف |
The Prepositions | حُرُوُف الَجرّ |
The particles (conditional Pronouns which introduce the verb in the Jussive Case. | أَدَوات الجزم |
The Jussive Case (w/ verbs) | الجزم |
The particles which introduce the verb in Accusative Case | أَدَوات النَّصبْ |
Noun/ Nouns. | إِسْم/أسماءٌ |
The Five Nouns | أسماءٌألخمسة(أبو‘أخ‘حمو‘فو‘ذو) |
The Interrogative Pronouns. | أَسْمَاءٌ الإسْتِفهام |
Active Participle | أسْمَاءٌ ألإشارة |
إِسْمُ الفاعِل | |
Passive Participle. | إِسْمُ المفعول |
The Relative Pronouns. | ألأسماءُ ألموصُولة |
Conditional | الشًّرْط |
Conditional Phrase. | جملة شرطِيَّة |
Conditional Particle. | أداة شَّط |
A Genitive Construction | الإضَافَة |
The vowel of the last consonant in a verb or noun is dynamic. | المَعْرَب |
The Imperfect verb with (you feminine singular, you masculine dual, they masc. Dual, you masc. Plural, they masc. Plural) | الأَفعالُ الخمسَة⁸ |
Comparative & Superlative | أفْعَلَ |
Feminine Noun ending with Alif & Hamzah | ألِف التَّأْنِيث المدودة(صحْرَاء) |
Feminine Noun ending with (ى) حبلى ‘سلمى | ألِف التَّأْنِيث المقصورة |
Substitute | البدل |
The end of a word, noun, verb or particle is static. Some employs The term “in declension”. | المبني |
The Diminutive Pattern. | أَلتَّصْغِيْر |
The Verbal Exclamatory Style | التَّعَجُّب |
An Accusative of specification & comparison & measurement. | التَّمْييز |
“Nunation” (duplicate vowel of the last consonant). | التَّنْوِيْن |
Added word for emphasis. | التَّوِكِيْد |
Comparative & Superlative | التَّفضِيْل |
Genetive (with nouns). | حالَة الجرّ/مجور |
Jussive (with verbs) | حالَة الجزم/مجْزومٌ |
Plural | جَمْعٌ |
Broken Plural | جمع تَكْسِيرْ |
Masculine Sound Plural | جَمَع المذكَّر سالِم |
Feminine Sound Plural | جَمَع مؤنَّث سالم |
Haal Accusative | الَحال |
The preposition | حرفُ الَجرّ |
The Ten Letters (one or more added to the Root of the Verb to derive different meanings. (س‘أ‘ل‘ت‘م‘و‘ن‘ي‘ه،ا) سألتُموُنياَ For memorizing | حرفُ الزِّيادَة |
The conjunctions. | حُروف العطف |
Passive verb | الفِعْل المبني للمجهول |
Active Verb | الِفعْلُ المبنِي للمعلوم |
Laa of Negation | لا النَّافِيَة |
Maa of Negation | ما النَّافِيَة |
The subject of a Sequential (Nominal) Sentence. | المبتدأٌ |
With a static case-ending. | البني |
Active Voice | البني للمعلوم |
Passive Voice | المبنِي لِلْمَجهُول |
A Verb starting with (و‘ي ( | المثال |
Dual | المُثَنَّى |
Exceptive | المُسْتِثْنَى |
أدوات الإسْتِثْنَاء | |
Infinitive/ Verbal Noun | المَصْدَر |
Genetive Construction | الإِضَافَة |
1st Particle of the construction | المُضَاف |
2nd Particle of the construction | المُضَاف إِليْهِ |
A Definite Noun | المُعَرَّف |
An Accusative Object. | المفعُول بِهِ |
Adverbial Qualification of Time or Place. | المَفْعُول فِيْةِ |
Cognate Accusative (The Absolute Object.) | المَفْعُول الُمطْلَق |
The object of accompaniment (مع واوالَمعِيَّة) | المَفْعُول مَعَهُ |
Adverbial Qualification of Purpose (أعْطَاهُ ثَميْنَة تَعْبِيْرَاً) | المَفْعُول لَهُ |
A noun ending with long Vowel ( (ا | المَقَصُور |
A noun ending with a long vowel ( ا) Followed by ( (ء | الْمَمْدُود |
An unnonated noun. | الممنوع مِن الصَّرف |
A noun ending with (ي) (إسْمُ فاعِلٍ مُشْتَقٌ من الفعل الناَّقِص ) | المنقُص |