Arabic The Predicate of Kaana

The Predicate of “كَانَ” (خَبَر “كَانَ”)

وَالْعَاشِرُ: نَحْوُ “مُثْمِراً” مِنْ “كَانَ الْبُسْتَانُ مُثْمِراً“، وَيُسَمَّى (خَبَرَ”كَانَ”).
The tenth (category of الْمَنْصُوْب ) is like “مُثْمِراً” in “كَانَ الْبُسْتَانُ مُثْمِراً (The garden was bearing fruit), and is called خَبَر “كَانَ” (Predicate of “كَانَ” ).


Two اسْمَانِ (nouns) occur after the verb “كَانَ” , the first of which is مَرْفُوْع and is called the        اسْم “كَانَ” (Noun of “كَانَ” ) and the second is مَنْصُوْب and is called its الْخَبَر (i.e. the الْخَبَر of “كَانَ” ), and it is for this reason (i.e. the fact that the خَبَر “كَانَ” is مَنْصُوْب ) that it  is counted among the categories of الاسْم الْمَنْصُوْب . Similar to “كَانَ” are the الأَفْعَال (verbs) that were mentioned in the fifth place (i.e. the section dealing with the اسْم “كَانَ” ) which is one the places in which the الاسْم is مَرْفُوْع .

Among the examples that have already been given thereof (but with the focus this time on the الْخَبَر of one of these verbs) are:

  • “أَصْبَحَ الشَّجَرُ مُوْرِقاً
  • “مَا زَالَ الْجَوُّ مُعْتَدِلاً
  • “صَارَ الْبُسْتَانُ مُثْمِراً
  • and so on and so forth.
