Talking about sports in Gulf Arabic. Real-life Gulf Arabic. Understand fast-talking Gulf Arabians who are not teachers!
This lesson will help you both speaking and listening. Fully vowelized Arabic script .
Dialog 1 حوار
لَو اِلْمُدَرِّب مَالِك هَذَا يِفهَم
Father -If that coach of yours has some common sense
كَان مُب يُوم شَافُوهُم ظَاغطِين عَلِينَّا
When he saw them putting pressure on us
اِينَزِّل لِي اِلْمُهَاجِم
He sent the offense player in
كَاكَاكَانُو مَاكَالالِي دَندَح لاء
Kakakano Makalali Dendah, No
He was supposed to
اِينَزِّل اِلْمُدَافِع
sent the defense player in
كَاجُو مَاكَاكَاكَانِي لُولُولُولُو هَذَا اِلْمَفُروظ اِلِّي اِلِّي يَنزِل
Kajo makakani Lolololo is the one who was supposed to be sent in
فَايزِين اِحنَا اِثنِين صِفِر اِمسَيطِرِين عَالْمُبَارَاة
We won 2-0, we were in control of the game
مُدَرِّبنَا هَذَا غَشِيم
This coach of ours is stupid
يُبَه هَذِي مُدَرِّب فِي أَسبَانيَا
Son- Father, he is a coach in Spain
اِنشَاللَّه فِي الْمِرِّيخ
Father -Even if in Mars
لا أَسبَانيَا اِنشَاللَّه فِ الْمِرِّيخ
No Spain! Even if in Mars
مُهُب عَاجِبِنِي
I do not like him
مُب عَاجبَتنِي طَرِيقَةْ قِرَاءتِه لِ سِير اِلْمُبَارَاهْ
I do not like how he analyses the game
اِلْمُدَرِّب اِلنَّاجِح
A successful coach
اِلِّي اِينَظِّم اِلسِّير أَثنَاء اِلْمُبَارَاة
is the one who controls the game
هَذَا يِمشِي عَلَى خَطّ
He follows a plan
اِلشِّمَال مَثَلاً هَذَا خَطّ عَكسَه خَطّ اِلْوَكرَة
For example, AlShamal is a road, opposite to it is AlWakra road
و يِتِزَاحمُون دُوَاوِير
and traffic jam, roundabouts
مُبَارَاة لَهَا لَهَا أُصُول
the game has rules
اِبصَرَاحَة هَذَا مُدَرِّبِك مَا اِنخَلِّيه عَلَى كِيفَه
honestly, we should not leave your coach to do whatever he wants
يُبَه يُبَه اِلْمُدَرِّب مَا صَار لَه شَهرِين مَع اِلْفَرِيق
Son- father, father the coach spent less than two months with the team
اِنشَاللَّه يُومِين
Father -Even if it was two days
لازِم انشُوف حَل مَعَاه
we have to put this to an end
إش فِيكُم صُوتكُم وَاصِل لِفُوق
Mother- What is going on, I can hear your voices from upstairs
وِلدِج هَذَا اِلْبُرمَه
Father -Your stupid son
مَا يَبِّي يِقتِنِع إنَّه اِلْمُدَرِّب اِحمَار مَا يِفهَم كُورَة
He is not convinced that the coach is an idiot and is not an expert in football
لُو يِفهَم كُورَة چَان فَعَّل اِلْاَطرَاف مُب گَاعِد لِي طُول اِلْمُبَارَاة يِهَاجِم مِن اِلْعُمق
Mother -If he was an expert in football, he would have activated the corner players, and not attacked from the center
اِسمَع اِسمَع مِيتسُو شِيقول اِتفَظَّل
Father -Listen, Listen to what Metsu is saying. There you go
إي و قاعِد لِي مِعتِمِد عَلَى مَصيَدَةْ اِلتَّسَلُّل
yeah, and he was relying on offside trap
و يَدرِي إنَّه مُهَاجِم اِلْكِفَاح سِيلُولُوتِيكَاوَاوَا مِن مَوالِيد مَنطِقَةْ اِلْجَزَاء مِثِل مَا قال أَحمَد اِلطَيِّب و اِيعَرف يتِمَركَز
and he knows that AlKifah’s offense player Selolu Tikawawa, as Ahmad AlTaieb said, was born in the penalty area and he is a good central player
أُوهْ يُمَّه و اِلِّي سَلَّمكُم لا اِتعَورُون لِي رَاسِي
Son Oh, mother, Please, do not give me a headache
مَحدِن بِيعَوِّر رَاسِك
No one will give you a headache
خَلِّك اِبعِيد اِنتْ
Just stay away
و آنَا بَاعَرِف أَتصَرَّف مَع هَالْمُدَرِّب
and I know how to deal with this coach
Dialog 2 حوار
لِيش اِلْفَرِيق تِرَاجَع لِيش
Abu Nasir -Why did the team lose ground? Why?
اِلْمَفرُوظ اِلِّي قاعِد اِيصِير اِلْآن اِيخَلِّي فَرِيق مُدَرَّب اِلْمَخَابِز اِلدُّوَلِيَّة اِيفَكِّر إنَّهْ اِيغَيِّر فِي نِص مَلعَب اِلْمُبَارَاة
Football commentator -What is happening right now is supposed to make the coach of International Bakeries team think of changing the plan
لِأَنَّه اِللَّاعِبيِن مَا يِلعِبُون فِي مَراكِزهُم
Because the players are not playing in their positions
[N] و اِللَّاعِب تَاكُولا مَاكَاكُولَا مينزالالالالُو هَذَا هُوَ مُش مَكَانَهْ اِلطَّبيِعِي لازِم يِنتِقِل لِلْمَكَان اِلِّي لِعَب فِيهْ دَايمَاً
And the player Takula MakaKula Minzalalalalu is misplaced, he should move to his usual position.
I know
اِلْمَفرُوظ يِسحَب كَاكُونُومَالالاوِي بُوِيه
He should dismiss Kakunu Malalawi Bowi
إي و اِلِّي اِيسَلمِك
Yes. Please
قول حَق اِلْمُدَرِّب اِيغَيِّر ال-
Tell the coach to change
يِسحَب كُوكُونَالِي هِبُوِي مَالالُو
to dismiss Hobuwai Malalu
و و و و اِيحِطّ شِيَنَامُوا حَبَّابُوا هِيتَاوَالا حَاوَاوَا اِيخَلِّيه
and and and and put in Shinamu 7ababu Hetawala Hawawa
لاء لاء لاء لاء لاء حَت- مَا ابِّيه يِلعَب
No no no no no I do not want him to play
شُولُولُو حُبُّوبُو تَابَا لاوَا خَلِّي اِيوَلِّي
Forget about Shululu Hobubu Taba Lawa
أَي خَطّ،؟
which line?
طَبّق اِلْخُطَة
implement the plan
و خَل هُولُولُو
and make Hulolo
اِنشَاللَّه اِنشَاللَّه اِنشَاللَّه
Ok ok ok.) lit.if god wills (
Dialog 3حوار
لا لا لا لا لا لا لا لا شِ الِّي قاعِد اِيصِير فِ الْمَلعَب
Commentator- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. what is happening on the court
اِلِّي قاعِد اِيصِير اَلْحِين اِلْمَفرُوظ مَا اِيكُون مَوجُود مَا بِين مُدِير اِلْفَرِيق و مُدَرِّب اِلْفَرِيق
What is happening right now is not supposed to happen between the team manager and team coach
لَو فِي شَي اِيأَجلُوه لِ مَا بَعد اِلْمُبَارَاة
If there is an issue they should postpone it till after the game
أَلْحِين اِلنَّاس كِلَّهَا قاعدَة اِتَّفَرَّج و اِلنَّاس كِلِّهَا قاعدَة اِتچُوف و اِلشَّي جِدَّام اِلْكَامِيرَا
and now, everyone is watching, everyone is witnessing. This is on camera
شَي مُش لازِم اِيكُون مَا بِين اِلْمُدِير و مُدَرِّب اِلْفَرِيق
This is not supposed to happen between the manager and the coach
و كُورَة مَلعُوبَة فِي الْقول هَدَف رَابِع لِفَرِيق اِلنَّجَاح
The ball entered the goal. A fourth goal to AlNajah team
وَ نَجم اِلْمُبَارَاة اِلْيُوم و نَجم اِلْفَرِيق اِيسَجِّل <<سُوبِر هَاترِيك>> (super hat trick) الله عَلِيك يَا چِيكُولامَانَاندُو
and the star of the game, and the star of the team scores a super hat trick. What a wonderful job Jikolamanando
اِيسَجِّل اِلْهَدَف اِلرَّابِع وَ هُوَ نَجم اِلْمُبَارَاة اِلْيُوم
He scores the fourth goal, and he is the star of the game today
هَالْمُدَرِّب رَاكِب رَاسَه
This coach is stubborn
كِيف يَعنِي إحنَا مَا نِفهَم كُورَة
How is that? we are not experts in football?
إسمَع يَا سُلطَان
Listen, Sultan
( يا a paricle for calling someone’s attention )
fire him
خَلِّيه اِيرُوح اِلْبِيت
let him go home
قولْ لَه خَلاص عَمِّي بُو نَاصِر مَا يَبِّيك مُدَرِّب حَقّ فَرِيقَه
tell him uncle Bu Nasser no longer wants you as a coach for his team
لا لا لا اِتوَصلُونَه اِبسَيَارةْ اِلْمَخَابِز خَل يَاخِذ <<تِكسِي>>
No no, do not give him a ride in the Bakeries car, let him get a taxi