Feelings and emotions in Gulf Arabic. How do you feel today?
Many students found it difficult to find the exact word in Arabic to express what they are feeling. In this lesson, you will learn how to talk about feelings and emotions.
أحس a7is feeling |
حساس 7asaas sensitive |
فَرحان Far7aan happy (Male) |
فَرحانَة Far7aana happy (Female) |
تَعبان ta3baan tired (Male) |
تَعبانَة ta3baanah tired (female) |
مِتوتّر mitawattir Nervous (Male) |
مِتوتّرة mitawattira Nervous (Female) |
َمِشتط minshtat Excited (Male) |
مِشتطَة minshtata Excited (Female) |
زَعلان za3laan Sad (Male) |
زَعلانَة za3laan Sad (Female) |
مِتملّل mitmallil Bored (Male) |
َمِتملّلة mitmallila Bored (female) |
مِضايق mit-daayig Upset (Male) |
مِضايقة mit-daayiga Upset (Female) |
مِستانِس mistaanisi Exited (Male) |
مِستانسَة mistaanisa Exited (Female) |
مِنحِرج min7irij Embarrassed (Male) |
مِنحِرجَة min7irija Embarrassed (Female) |
خايف Khaayif Scared (Male) |
خايفَة Khaayif Scared (Male) |
عَطشان 3atshaan Thirsty (Male) |
عطشانة 3atshaana Thirsty |
جوعان jaw3aan hungry (Male) |
جَوعانَة jaw3aana Hungry (Female) |
يوعانة yaw3aana Hungry (Female) |
أنا مريض Anaa mariid I am sick |
أنا مريضة Anaa mariida I am sick |
مريض mariid sick (Male) |
مريضة mariida sick (Female) |
مِثلّج mi-Thallij Freezing |
بَرد bard cold |
ّحَر 7arr Hot |
مزعج minzi3ij Annoyed |
مِعصِّب mi3assib Angry |
مِتلَخبَط mitlakhbat Confused |