Asking Directions in Gulf Arabic In this lesson, you will learn how to ask for directions and how to understand the answers you are likely to receive. Learning a language for travel will help you to get around places in the Gulf Arab states.
إشلون أروح ishluun aru How do I go to..? | |
إشلون أروح بيتنا ishluun aruu7 beetnaa How do i get to our house | |
إشلون أروح الجمعية Ishluun aruu7 aljam3iya How do I get to the Supermarket |
أي طريق يوصلني ayyi dariig yawasalnii What road goes to? |
أول شارع على يَسارَك Aww shari3 3la yaraarak The firs street on your left |
أوّل شارع على يمينَك Awwal shaari3 3laa yimiinak The first street on your right |
ثاني شارِع على يَسارَك Thaani shari3 alaa yisaarak The second street on your left. |
ثاني شارع على يمينك Thaani shari3 3laa yimiinak The second on your right |
عند الإشارة الجاية 3ind el-ishaara al-jayya At the next crossroad |
عند التقاطع 3ind eltraqatu3 At the next crossroads |
الدَّوار سِدَه 3ind elduwaar siidah Cross the square |
روح سيدَه Ruu7 siidah Cross the road |
أي طريق يوصلّني…؟ Ayy tariiq yasasilnii …? What road goes to…? |
هاي الطَّريق…؟ Hay eltariiq… Is this road to….? |
مُمكن تِرَويني الخَريطَة Mumkin tirawiinii al-khariida Can you show me on the map. |
إش بِعد؟ Eish bi3iid How far is it? |
مُب بعيد Muu bi3iid Not far. |
كَم دقيقة مَشي Kam dagiiga mashiy? How many minutes on foot? |
كَم دقيقة بالسَّيارَة Kam dagiiga bis-ssiyara How many minutes by car? |
لِفّ يسا ر Liff yasaar Turn left |
لفِ يِمين Liff yimiin Turn right |
سِيدَه siida straight ahead. |
لين Lein..’ Towards the … |
عِقُب 3igub.. Past the… |
إنتِبه Intibih What for the… |
قبِل Gabul.. Before the… |
تقاطُع Tagaatu3 Cross road/intersection |
سِيَده على طول Siidah 3laa tuul Straight ahead |
على يمين 3laa yimiin to the right |
عَلى اليَسار 3laa yisaar To the left |
إشارات Isharaat Traffic lights |
هِناك Hinaak Over there /There |
قَريب Qariib Near by |
هِني Hnii here |