Speaking on the Phone in Gulf Arabic. In this lesson, you will learn common phrases for telephone conversations in Arabic. Asking to speak to someone. Asking for a phone number and how to give the phone number…
Dialog 1حوار
عَايشَه و اِلِّي اِيسَلمِج اتِّصِلِي عَلَى اِلسِّكِرتِير و خَبرِيهْ اِيبَلِّغ اِلْمُوَظَّفِين
Aisha w ellii salmach itasali 3la as-sakrateer w khabariih iballagh almuwatzafiin
Aisha, please call the secretary and ask him to inform the employees
إيقُولْ لِهُم اِنَّه اٍمنِيرَه أَجِّلَت اِشتِمَاع اِلْيُوم لِي بُكرَة
Iguul lahum innah Imiira Ajjilat ishtimaa3 ilyoom lii bukra
to tell them that Muneera postponed today’s meeting until tomorrow’
آتِّصِل عَلِيِه تِلِفُونَه كِلَّه مَشغُول
Attisil 3leeh tilifoonahu killah mashghuul
I called him many times, his phone is busy
مِسَاكِين مِن مِسَاعَة يِنتَظرُونِچ
masaakiin min misaaha yintataruunech
Poor folks, they have been waiting for a while for you.
خِير اِنشَاللَّه
kheer inshaallah
What happened?
و آنَا اِش عِندِي بَلوَة غِير هَالْعَمّ و هَالْإخوَان
w Aanaa 3indii balwa gheer hal3amm w hal ikhwaan
What trouble do I have other than this uncle and these brothers?
إيصِدرُون فِي هَالْأوَامِر
iSidaruun fii halawaamir
they keep issuing orders
و يَا وِيلنَا لَو مَا نَفَّذنَا
w yaaweelanaa law maa naffadnaa
and the consequences will be harmful if we do not follow them
إلْمَفرُوظ اِيعَرفَون اِنِّچ مَسؤُولَة اِكبِيرَة
ilmafruud iya3rafuun inach masuu masuula ikbiira
They should realize that you are an important supervisor
وَرَاچ اِرتِبَاطَات و مَسؤُولِيَّات
waach irtibaataat amasuuliiyaat
and you have responsibilities and commitments
Dialog 2 حوار
بدأت اِتِصَالات اِلْمُمَثِلِين
badat ittisaalaat il mumathiliin
Actors started to call us
طُول اِلسِّنَة مَا يَدرُون فِيك عِرَفت و أوَّل مَا اِيسِمعُون إنّه عِندَك عَمَل
tuul is-saana maa yidaruun fiika 3irift wa awal maa isma3uun inu 3indak 3amal
They don’t call the whole year, but once they know that you have a series, they call
ألَو شُلونَك اشلُون الِعِيَال
elo ishuunak ishuun el 3iyaal
Hello, how are you, how’s children!
اصَّدِقّ عَاد مِن قَبل اشوَي اِمكَلمَتنِي مَشَاعِل بَعَد
iSSadig min gabal ishweya ibtakalamantnii mashaa3il bi3ad
You know, also Mashael called me minutes ago
اش قِلت لَهَا؟
esh gultelaha
What did you told her
شَ اقولْ لَهَا بَعَد
shaguul lahaa ba3ad
what can I say to her
قلت لِهَا انشَالله هَالْمَرّة بِتكُونِين مَعَانّا فِي اِلْمُسَلسَل
gulat lihaa inshaa allah halmarra bitakuunii ma3anna filmausalsal
I told her you’ll be in the serial with us
شنو رقم تلفونك؟ Shinuu ragam tilifoonak Whay is your phone number |
جَوّال Jawwal Cell phone |
شِنو رَقمك الأرضي Raqamak elardi Your land line number |
هاذيه الرّقم Haadihi er-raqam Here is the number |
هاي الرّقم Haay erraqam Here is the number |
وين أقدر أشتري بِطاقة تلفون؟ Ween agdar ashtiri bitaaqit tilifoon How can I buy a telephone card? |
أبّي أشتِري بطاقَة ؟ Abbii ashtari bitaaqit tilifoon I would like to have a prepaid card? |
اتبيع بطاقة تلفون؟ Itabii3 biraaqit filifoon Do you sell telephone cards? |
إبكم هالِبطاقة؟ Inkam hayl bitaaqa How much does this card cost? |
شنو فتح خَط؟ Shinuu fata7 alkhat What is the code for…? |
| مُكالمة محليّة Mukaalama ma7aliyya It is a local call |
الخَط مَشغول Alkhat mashghuul The line is busy |
بَكلمك بعدين Bakalimak ba3deen I will call you back |
بتصل فيك بعدين Batasal fiik ba3deen I will call you back |