Talking about cars in Gulf Arabic. In this lesson you will learn how talk about Cars. improve your listening comprehension skills in Arabic ,understand fast speaking natives. Train your ears
good morning Uncle
هَلا هَلا يُبَه صِبَاح النُور
hello hello, son, good morning
خِير عَسَى مَا شَر
what is wrong?
يَا يُبَه هَالسَّيِّارَة كِل يُوم و اِلثَّانِي دَاقة عَلينَّا
This car, {son}, stops every now and then
اِلظَّاهِر اِلْبَطَاريَّة أُبُوك
it seems to be the battery, son
مُو مِشكِلَة لا اِتحَاتِي آنَا عِندِي اِلْجرج و بِنجرِّجهَا لِك اَلْحِين اِنشَاللَّه
No problem, do not worry, I have a charger and will charge it for you now
يِزَاك الله خِير
May God reward you well
هَا يَا عَم دِق سِلف
uncle}, run the engine
مَشكُور يَا ابُوك مَشكُور جِزَاك الله جِزَاك الله خِير
Thank you son. Thank you. May God reward you well. May God reward you well
حَاضرِين حَاضرِين يَا عَمِّي
anytime, anytime, uncle
هَلا يُبَه نُورَة حَيَّاچ حَيَّاچ بَرَّع اِشتَغلَت اِلسَّيِّارَة
Hello Noora dear, come, come, the car is working now,
أبَشرِج تَعَالَي بَوصلِچ تَعَالِي تَعَالِي يُبَه
come outside, come, I will give you a ride
يَه يَه يَه يَه يَه يَه
oh oh oh oh oh oh
ألحِين بَعَد بِتِركَب مُوتَر كَشخَه
She will also be riding in a chic car
مَاشَاللَّه عَلِك إلَّا آقول
You look beautiful, I can tell
أُم وَلِيد تَرَا مَا کَصِّرت وِيَّاچ
Um Waleed was very kind with you
عَلَى كِل اِلِّي عَطِتِج إيَّاه بَعَد عَطِتِك اِلسَّيَّارَة
She had also given you the car in addition to all she gave you
و مَعَاهَا الِدرِيوِل
with the driver as well
بُو عَلِي خِير
What is wrong Bu Ali
يَا اخُوك هَالسَّيَّارَة دَاقة
{my brother} the car broke down
كِل يُوم و اِلثَّانِي اِتسَوِّي لِي سَالفَة
every now and then, it troubles me
عَاد الِبنَيَّة الله اِيسَلمِك عِندَها جَامعَة
My daughter, may God bless you, has a lecture
و هَذِي دُوم اِمتَنحِرَة
and this thing is always breaking down
بِنتِك بِنتنَا
Your daughter is our daughter
مَا عَلِيك
Never mind
ألْحِين أخَلِّي اِلْدِّرِيوِل اِيوَصِّلهَا اِلْجَامعَة اِنشَاللَّه
I will have the driver drive her to the university now, If God wills it
لا لا لا لا
no no no no
مَا فِي دَاعِي اِتكَلِّف عَلَى رُوحِك يَا اخُوك يَا رَاشِد
No need to bother yourself, brother Rashid
No may God bless you
لا اللهْ اِيسَلمِك
السَيّارَة وَاگفَة فِ الْحُوش و اِلدِّرِيوَل قاعِد بِدُون شِغِل
Noو may God bless you
السَيّارَة وَاقفَة فِي الْحُوش و اِلدِّرِيوَل قاعِد بِدُون شِغِل
The car is parked in the house yard, and the driver has nothing to do
و بَعدِين مَا اِتِّفَقنَا إنَّه إحنَا أَهَل
Did not we agree that we are a family
يَه يَه يَه
آجوف بَنك اِلتَّنمِية مَا قصَّر شَرَالكُم بِيت و سَيَّارَة
It seems that the development bank bought you a house and a car
هَذِي مُب سَيَّارَتنَا
This is not our car
عَيَل سَيَّارةْ مِنُو
Whose car is it, then
سَيَّارَةْ بِيت اِلْجَار رَاشِد عَبدالله
our neighbor’s car, Rashid Abdullah
آجوف اِلْعِلاقَات تِطَوِّرَت
I see the relationships are developing