At the Bank in Gulf Arabic. At the Bank في البنك Spoken Arabic dialogs and vocabulary with audio, listen carefully...
Category: Gulf Arabic
At the Airport in Gulf ArabicAt the Airport in Gulf Arabic
At the Airport in Gulf Arabic.في المطار Learn the essential language needed to arrive on time at the right destination....
Weather Report in ArabicWeather Report in Arabic
Weather Report in Arabic تقرير الطقس / Weather forecast in Arabic with audio. Arabic weather Vocabulary you need to know...
Food and Drinks in Gulf ArabicFood and Drinks in Gulf Arabic
Food and Drinks in Gulf Arabic.اكلات والشرابThis lesson is all about food and drinks-related vocabularyWhile studying, break elements of Arabic...
Days of the Week, Months and Seasons in Gulf ArabicDays of the Week, Months and Seasons in Gulf Arabic
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about units of time, including the days of the week and the...
The Passive Participle in Gulf ArabicThe Passive Participle in Gulf Arabic
The passive participle in gulf Arabic اسم مفعول Usage: The passive participle is either used as an adjective or a...
Numbers in Gulf ArabicNumbers in Gulf Arabic
Numbers in Gulf Arabic 0 ٠ صِفِر 1 ١ واحِد 2 ٢ أثنين 3 ٣ ثلاثَة 4 ٤ أربَعَة 5...
Using the Verb KaanUsing the Verb Kaan
Used toToday’s lesson is all about the versatile verb كَان (kaan). You’ll learn how to express the past and future...
The Active ParticipleThe Active Participle
Today we take on a new challenge and learn a new grammar form to talk about actions currently happening or...
The future tense in Gulf ArabicThe future tense in Gulf Arabic
The future tense in Arabic. We look into the future with this lesson on talking about things yet to happen....