At the Market in Gulf Arabic في السوق
In this lesson, you will learn useful Phrases used in Shopping and how to use them.
What shop assistants say what customers say. names of Items in Gulf Arabic,
The conversation is going too fast. Advanced
Arabic to English vocabulary with audio pronunciation
Shopping in Arabic تسوق
Dialog 1 حوار
هَا يُمّه
Check this out Mum.
شِنُو ذِي
Shinuu dii
What is this?
يُمّه اِموَاعِد اِلرَّبِع بَاچِر فِي اِلشُّغُل
Yuma imaw3id baachir fee al shuqul
Mum I’ve promised my friends tomorrow at work
لازِم أوّدِي لِهُم شَي بِمُنَاسَبَةْ اِلْمِلچَة
Laazim awadi shay bimunaasabat elmaljah
That I have to bring them something in the occasion of signing my marriage contract.
انشَالله بتوَدي لِهُم هَذِي
Inshallah bitawadii lahum haadhi
Inshaallah Are you going to take this for them !
إي اش فِيه
ii ishfiih
Yeah, what’s wrong with it?
نُورَه تَعَالَي
Nuura ta3aali
Nura Noura, come here !
شِنُو يُمّه
Shnuu yummah
What’s the matter mum?
شُوفِي إخُوج اِلِّي بِيْفَشِّلنَا
Shuufii akhuuj ili biya fashilnaa
Look at your brother who’s going to disgrace us !
شِنُو هَذِي
Shinuu haadhi
What’s this?
For what?
بيِوَدّي هَالشَّي حَقّ رَبعَة حَقّ اِلْفِظَايِح
Biwadii 7aqq raba3a 7aqq lafatdat i7
He will take this thing to his friends, for scandals.
وَخِيه فِشِيلَه تَرَا جيب
Wakhiih fashiilah tra jiib
Ew, that’s embarrassing, by the way it is cheap.
بَس عَلَى قدنَا ايمَشّي
Bas 3laa gadnaa imaashii
But that’s based on our budget, It works.
تِحَمّل اتوَدِيه بِتخَلّي اِلنَّاس كلّهَا اتكَلّم عَنّا
Ti7mmal itawadiih bikhalii inaas kulahaa ikakalam 3annaa
Don’t think about taking it, you will make everyone speaking about you.
خَل هَالشَّي حَق اِلْخَدَامَات يَاكلُونَه
Khal 7agg ilkhadamaat yaklaluunah
Leave this thing for maids to eat it.
وَعَطنِي افلُوس و بَاجر آنَا أرُوح أشتِري لِك شَي رَاقِي
Wa3adnii ifluus wa baachir Anaa aruu7 ashtariilak shay raaqii
and give me money, tomorrow I’ll buy something classy for you.
إي بَس آنَا اموَاعِدهِم ألْحِين
Iih bas Anaa imawa3idikim al7iin
Yeah, but I’ve promised them now
و لازِم أودِيه بَاجر
Laazim awadiih baachir
And I have to take it tomorrow.
مَا عَلِيه ألحِين فَاتحِين قومِي بَدلِي عَشَان انرُوح اِنييب لِنَا شَي اِيبيِض وَيهنَا جِدّام اِلنَّاس
Maa 3aleeh al7iin faata7iin quumii badalii 3ashaan naruu7 iniyyib lilaas ibayyad wasahnaa
No worries, they are still open, go and change your clothes, so that we can bring something that satisfy people
يَبي ايخَلّينَا مَطنِزَه
Yabii ikhaliinaa mantnzah
He wants to make us a joke
قُولِي زِين اِنّي شِفتَه
Guulii ziin inni shuftuh
Its good that I saw it
اش فِيكُم يَلّا
Ishfiikum yalla
What’s wrong with you ! let’s go.
اِلْهَاي للنَاس هَيادَا اِلنُّوع الْفرِي كلاس
Lebanese Shopkeeper- Haydaa innoo3 alfarii klaas lilnaas ilhaay
This type is the free class, Its for the high society
و سِعرُه اِمنَاسِب و نَوعِيتُه اِكتِير اِكوَيسَة
Wa si3ruh imnaasib now3iyyah iktiir ikweesah
and it has a suitable price and it has a very good quality.
فُوء اِلْمِتوَسّط تَأرِيبا
Foa mutasassitt tariiban.
Approximately above the average.
Qatari woman-
فُوق اِلْمِتَوَسِّط يَعنِي مُو أرقَى نُوع؟
Fooq mutawassit ya3nii muuraaqii noo3
Above the average, its not the finest !
Lebanese Shopkeeper-
وَلَو فِي شُوكُولاه للطَبَأة اِلرَّائِيَة بَس سُورِي
آنَا فَكرت يِمكِن بَدكُم اِلسِّعر الِمنَاسَب
Wallow fii shakoolah llbadaa irradiisa bas Anaa afakarat yemkin bidakum is-si3ir ilmamaasib.
Of course there are the upper class chocolate, but sorry I thought that you were looking for the suitable price.
Qatari woman-
لاء إحنَا نَبِي شَي مُو عَادِي نَبِي شَي مُو أي أحَد يِقدَر يِشتِرِيهْ
Laa i7naa nabii shay muu 3aadi nabii shay mu ayyi 7add yashtarih
No, we want something unusual, something that not anyone can afford it.
Lebanese shopkeeper-
اِلْمسَامَحَة اِلشِّيخَة اِلِّي مَا بيعَرفِك بيژهلِك تُؤمُري طَوِيلَةْ اِلْعُمر
Ilmusaama7ailshiikha ill maaya7rifek biyath hallik taumrii tawiilatal 3ummar.
Pardon me Sheikha, {You can’t blame someone who doesn’t know your capabilities}(Idiom).
Qatari guy-
بَعَد هَاي ابرُوحَه غَالِي اشحَقه بَعَد اتوَدُّونَا حَق أغلَى
Ba3ad haay baruu7ahaa ghaali ish7ashhu itawaduunaaa 7agg aghlaa
This is very expensive, why you are looking for the more expensive.
اسكِت بَس اسكِت إنت مَا اتعرَف شَي
Ishkit iskit inta maa ta3rif shay
Shut up, just shut up you don’t know anything
Qatari Guy-
أخَاف الِفْلُوس اِلِّي عِندِي مَا اِتكَفّي
Akhaaf ilfuluus illi 3indii maa itakaffii
I’m afraid that the money that I have is not enough.
لا اتفَشِلنَا رُوح اسحَب بِالْبِطَاقَة
Laa itafashilnaa ruu7 iskab bilbitaaqah
Don’t embarrass us, pay by the credit card.
مِش مُمكِن شَيكِي هَاللمسِة اِلْفَنِيِّة
Mish mumkin hallmasia ilfaniya
That’s unbelievable, check this artistic touch.
هَايِدِي إسمَا اِلشُّوكُولا اِلْمَلَكِيِة
Hay ismahaa eshakoola elmalakiyya
This called the royal chocolate.
نَفس اِلشُّوكُولا اِلِّي بيطِلبُوهَا عَاِلْبلاط اِلْمَلَكِي بإسپانيَا دَايمَاً
Infs ishkoolah illi bitabuuhaa 3ilbalaat ilmakili bilisbaaniya daayiman.
The same chocolate that it is always ordered at the Spanish court.
عَطنِي هَذِي
3atni hadii
Give me this one.
مَبرُوك و بِالْمُنَاسَبِة مَعهَا شَهَادَةْ ضَمَان كَمَان
Mabruuk bilmanaasabah ma3ahaa shahadat damaan kamaan.
Congrats and by the way it has a warranty certificate.
وين مُمكِن أحَصِّل…؟ Wein mumkin a7SSil Where can I find |
مَحَل ملابِس Ma7al mlaabis A clothing store |
حلَّاق 7allaag A Barbershop |
مَكتِبَة Maktiba A book store |
مَخبَز Makhbaz A bakery |
صِيدَليَّة Siidaliyya A drug store/Pharmacy |
جَمعيَّة Jam3iyya A Grocery store |
سوبرماركِت suubarmarkit A supermarket |
مَطعَم Mt3am A restaurant |
دوبي Duubii A laundry |
مَحَل نظَّارات Ma7al nazzaraat An optician |
At the Clothing Shop
لوسمحت تشتغل اهني؟ low sama7t, tashtaghal ehnee excuse me , do you work here |
تقدر تساعدني؟ tagdar tasaa3idnii can you help me? |
شنو أقدر اسويلك shnuu gadar sawaaliilak what can I help you with |
أقدر اساعدك ب شي؟ agdar asaa3idak bi shay Can I help you فخ find something? |
عندكم قمصان 3indikum qumsaan do you have shirts |
عندكُم هاي بمَقاسي؟ 3indikum hay bi maqaasii Do you have this in my size? |
واجِد غالي Waajid ghaalii That is too expensive |
اي مقاس |
صغير ولا كبير |
وايد غالي Waayid ghaalii That is too expensive |
تِقبلون…؟ Ti qabaluun Would you like to take…..? |
غالي Ghaalii Expensive |
رِخيص Rikhiis Cheap |
ماعندي فلوس تكَفي Maa3indii fliuus tikafi I can not afford it. |
مَقاسي Maqaasi.. My size is |
صغير Saghiir small S |
سموول samuul Small S |
مِتوَسِّط Mitwassit Medium M |
ميديوم Miduum Medium M |
كِبير Kabiir Big/big |
لارج Laarj Large L |
إكس لارج Iks larj X-large XL |
كبير جداً Kibiir jiddan XL |
كبير جداً جداً Kibiir jiddan jiddan XXlarge XXL |
إكس إكس لاج Iks iks large XX-large. XXL |
بَنطَلون Bantaluun Pants. |
قميص Qamiis A shirt/ blouse |
ثوب Thuub A thoub. |
فِستان Fistaan A dress |
Abaya. بِشِت Bishit Traditional Men’s cloak popular in The Arab World. |
غُترة Ghurtah Traditional head dress worn by men |
عِقال 3igaal is an Arab Men’s accessory used to keep a ghutrah in place on wears head |
عَبايَة 3abaaya Abaya. |
ما عجبني الّلون Maa 3ajabnii elluun I do not like the color |
عِندكم شي أفتَح؟ 3indakum shay afta7 Do you have a brighter one? |
عِندكم شِي أغمج 3indakum shii aghmagh Do you have a darker one? |
ما أبّيه Maa abii I do not want it. |
تِغشّوني!! Tighishuunii You are cheating me. |
مُب مهتمة Mub muhtamma Iam not interested |
مُب قَدِّي Mub gaddii It does not fit me. |
بَجَرِّب هاي Bajrab haai I will try this. |
بَجَرِّب هذا Bajarrib haadzaa I will try this one . |
بَشتِري هاي Bashtrii haay I will buy this one. |
إبكَم Ibkam How is this? |
لَوسَمحت أبي إشتري .. Please, I want to buy a.. |
جوتي Juutii A pair of shoes |
| أوكّي أبّيه Ok abii Ok I will take it. |
عِندكُم نوعيَّة أحسَن 3indakum nuw3iiya a7san. Do you have a better quality? |
مُمكِن كيس Mumkin kis Can I have a bag? |
تِشحنون بَرَّع؟ Tishi7anuuna bara3 Do you ship overseas? |
تِشحنون بَرَّة؟ Tishi7anuuna bara Do you ship overseas? |
At the the Stationery
وين القلام؟ wein al aqlaam Where are the pens? |
قَلَم Qalam A pen |
| وَرَق Writing paper. |
| دفتر daftar Note book |
كُتُب Kutub Books |
كُتُب إنجليزيَّة Kutub ingliziyya English- Language books |
مُجلَّات إنجليزيَّة Majallaat ingliziyya English language Magazines |
جَرايد إنجليزيَّة Jaraayid ingliziyya An English language newspapers. |
قاموس إنجليزي- إنجليزي Qaamuus ingilizi – inglizi |
قاموس للمُخبا Qaamuus lilmukhabaa A pocket dictionary. |
خَريطَة khariitah |