At the Train Station in Gulf Arabic. In this lesson, you will learn key asking Questions at the Train Station
After you complete this lesson you will be able to buy tickets whenever you need to.
… إبكَم التذكر لـ Ibkam el tazkara lii…? | |
تَذكَرَة ذِهاب لوسَمَحت Tazkarit zahab law zama7aht A one-way ticket, please | |
| تَذكَرَة ترجوع لوسَمَحت ؟ Tazkarit trajuu3 ,law sama7at A round-trip ticket .please |
تَذكَرَة روحة ورَدَّ لوسَمَحت ؟ A round-trip ticket, please | |
إشلون أوصَل المَطار؟ ishluun awsal elmudaar How Do I get to the airport? | |
أي خَطّ يوصِّلني…؟ Ayi khadt ya wasas-silnii Which line goes to…? | |
أي خَطّ يودّني…؟ Ayi khadd yiwad-diini Which line goes to…. | |
لازم أغير القطار؟ Laazim a ghayar el qidaar Do i have to change the trains | |
الريل وين بيروح؟ Ir-real wein yiruu7 Where does the Train Go? | |
الرّيل لوين Ir-riil lawein Where is the train to? | |
الرّيل يوقِّف في…؟ Ir-reil yawaqif fii Does this train stop in… | |
مِتى يروح الرّيل؟ Mitaa yiruu7 ir-riel When does the train for… leave? | |
مِتى يوصَل الرّيل؟ Mataa yiwsal ir-reil When will the train arrive in…? | |