Greetings in Gulf Arabic. How to say hello in Arabic,مرحبا How to say hi in Arabic أهلاًبيك welcome in Arabic أهلاً بيكم, In this lesson, you will learn some common Arabic greetings in spoken Arabic of the Gulf, proper greetings are exchanged before any conversation takes place Arabic to English هلا How are you شَخمبارك
Hospitality is an important Arab value and so the repeated use of various greetings is just an Arab way of making sure you feel welcome.
Hello and Welcome
السَّلام عليكم Peace be upon you |
Reply وعليكُم السَّلام Peace be upon you |
أهلاًبيك Ahlan beek Hi/ welcome to a male |
أهلاً بيج Alhan beech Hi /welcome to a female |
أهلاً بيكم Ahlan beekum Hi /welcome to plural |
هلا Halla Hi to you. to your friends. informal |
How are you?
شَخمبارك How are you ? To a man (lit. What is your news) |
شَخبارِك( ج) How are you ? to a female. lit. what is your news? |
Reply وايد زين wayid zein Iam- lit. (Very good) |
كيف الحاك؟ How are you? ( literally means what is the situation) |
كيف حالِك(ج) How are you to a female ( lit. means what is the situation) |
كيف حالِكم How are you ((plural)) ( lit. means what is the situation) |
شلونك؟ Shloonak to a man How are you lit. what is your color ? |
شلونج؟ Shloonech how are you to a female lit. what is your color |
Reply الْحَمْدُ لِله el 7ḥamdu lillaah I’m good, lit. thank God |
Thank you and you are welcome
شكراًجزيلاً shukran jaziilan Thank you Formal |
مشكور mashkuur Thank you if you are a male |
مشكورة mashkuura Thank you if you are a male |
عفواً 3afwan you are welcome . You are welcome .reply to someone who has thanked you(formal) |
العفو Il3awfwo You are welcome .reply to someone who has thanked you(slang) |
Greetings According to Time
صَباح الخِير ṣabaa7 el kheir |
Reply صَباح النُّور ṣabaa7 in-nuur good morning ( in response ) |
مَساء الخِير Masaa’eil kheir Good afternoon |
مَساء النُّور Masaa’ in-nuur Good afternoon ( in response ) |
تِصْبَحْ عَلَى خِير Tisṣba7 3ala kheir Good night (masc.) |
وِانتِ مِنْ هْل wan intii min hall Response to good night belong to the people of goodness |