The present continuous in Gulf Arabic denotes an action that is ongoing or happening right now. Gulf Arabic verb conjugationThe...
Category: Gulf Arabic
The Present Simple in Gulf ArabicThe Present Simple in Gulf Arabic
The Present Simple in Gulf ArabicUsage:Habitual action.Ability.The simple present tense in Arabic is used to express what usually happens, I...
The Past tense in Gulf ArabicThe Past tense in Gulf Arabic
The Past tense in Gulf Arabic . Arabic past tense verb conjugation. Talking About Things in the PastIt’s time to...
Asking Questions in Gulf ArabicAsking Questions in Gulf Arabic
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to form the beginning of every good question with some basic question words who,...
Other ways used to express possession in Gulf ArabicOther ways used to express possession in Gulf Arabic
Lesson 2 The English expression “to have” actually refers to a number of different situations which are expressed with different...
Possession using the Idaafa Genitive construct in Gulf ArabicPossession using the Idaafa Genitive construct in Gulf Arabic
IdaafaIdaafa is one of the common ways to express possession in Arabic.English uses ‘’ ‘S’’, or ‘’ of’’ to show...
Relative Pronouns in Gulf ArabicRelative Pronouns in Gulf Arabic
The Gulf Arabic has only one relative pronoun iLLi اللي Illi means who, which ,whose, what ,that.keep in mind thatilli...
Demonstrative pronouns in Gulf ArabicDemonstrative pronouns in Gulf Arabic
In Arabic, هذا (HaaDhah), هذي (haadhī) & هذُولْ (haadhool) are the words that directly correspond to the English words “this”,...
Possessive pronouns in Gulf ArabicPossessive pronouns in Gulf Arabic
In this lesson, you will learn how to use Possessive pronouns Like Mine, yours, his, her, ours and theirs Types...
Adverbs in Gulf ArabicAdverbs in Gulf Arabic
Adverbs in Gulf Arabic This lesson is all about Adverbs.Adverbs of mannerAdverbs of time طرف الزَّمانِAdverbs in +anAdverbs of placeظرف...